About me...My passion for photography takes me in many directions...
...and the thing that is giving me the most satisfaction right now is restoring images. It has always been something I've enjoyed. As I've become more proficient, the joy of presenting a memory back to an individual, with colors vibrant again, or scratches, tears, and stains removed... it is thrilling... and more than occasionally emotional.
I price the service I perform commensurate to the amount of restoration an image needs. I am happy to give an estimate when shown a sample photo, as some can be surprisingly simple, yet some can be quite complicated. Don't be shy... it doesn't hurt to ask for a quote. And once that is done - you will not hear from me again until you decide to use my services. I, too, don't like to be pestered by salespeople. When a faded image comes back to life - it brings life back to the owner's keepsake. Christopher Reay |